Where To Hook Up With Sexy Girls In Puerto Plata

Hook up hot girls Puerto Plata sex guide get laid

Where to hook up with hot girls in Puerto Plata for sex or dating is kind of a tricky question to answer. Are you looking to meet other tourists from around the world to hook up with?

Are you trying to pick up sexy Dominican girls in Puerto Plata? Do you mind if they happen to be prostitutes? This is one of those countries where if a foreign man goes out and picks up a local girl at a bar or nightclub and they have sex the first night there is a strong chance she wants to be compensated.

For some the compensation may just need to be spending the night in one of the nice resorts and having you buy them some dinner and breakfast. Others may want a monetary reward for their time.

It isn’t a guarantee, but more often than not it will be the case. But if you aren’t a fan of mongering and want to hook up with girls you don’t have to pay things can definitely be a bit tricky here.

Saying that there are not any sexy Puerto Plata girls that want to hook up with foreign men without being compensated wouldn’t be true. It is just that it can be very hard to figure out what their true motivations are.

This sex guide will also be telling you about some online dating sites in the Dominican Republic which can make things a lot easier and more efficient for you.

Sexy Girls At Puerto Plata Hook Up Bars

Nightclubs and bars to meet slutty Puerto Plata girls for sex

If you do want to try to pick up some sexy Puerto Plata girls in bars and nightclubs there are plenty of options. Many of them are located right in the best resort areas in town.

The Playa Dorado Hotel Complex has many hotels and resorts in one area and plenty of them have singles bars you can visit. There is also a lot of nightlife around Caberete Beach, and at Ocean World there is a Vegas style show and a nightclub.

You can go to these clubs and hook up bars to find hot girls in Puerto Plata for sex:

If instead you are a fan of day game you have some options as well. Try and pick up sexy girls on Caberete Beach and if you strike out at least you got to see them in bikinis. The Malecon boardwalk is a great place to try and meet chicks, plenty of tourists and locals will be out and about.

Horny Girls Or Prostitutes?

Picking up girls at nightlife districts in this country can feel really easy, but often times it is because guys aren’t fully aware of their surroundings. A lot of times prostitutes will hang out in the areas that tourists go to because they know that is where they can make some real money. That means cities like this one, Sosua, Punta Cana, or the Old Colonial area of Santo Domingo. For less prostitutes you need to go to Santiago or San Francisco.

Prostitutes want to earn as much as they can and they know tourists will pay more for sex then a local man would, and often a whole lot more. What frequently happens is a guy will go out on his first night in a new city and find it extremely easy to pick up a Puerto Plata girl for sex.

He feels like the biggest stud in the world, there were so many other women in the bar shooting him glances so he has to go back again the next night. What he doesn’t realize is that he just banged a prostitute, and now he is expected to pay her.

Most of the time prostitutes will ask for money but sometimes they won’t, either way she definitely is hoping to get some. As a foreign man this can put you in a very tricky situation because there definitely are some girls out there who want to have sex with foreign men without charging them for the privilege.

However if you are going out to an expat or tourist bar and it looks like there are a lot of girls ‘on the clock’ waiting for a customer then it doesn’t take a genius to realize you are in a hooker bar. If you can’t really tell what is going on it is best to just politely ask, say the last girl you talked to asked you to pay her and see if she wants the same.

If you do it in a light hearted, playful way it will go over fine most of the time. If you just blurt out ‘are you a prostitute’ then that probably won’t go as well. This is a tough subject to cover in a brief sex guide, but hopefully you get what we are trying to say.

Meeting Girls In Puerto Plata Online

Another option is to use the internet to meet sexy girls in Puerto Plata online. Tell them that you will be staying at one of the nice resorts in town and many will jump at the chance to share your bed for the weekend. Just like in the nightclubs there will be plenty of hookers or ‘semi pros’ on the dating sites, so once again you may want to confirm whether they expect to get paid or not if it is coming too easy.

But there are plenty of good girls online that won’t expect any pesos. They will just want to spend some time with a nice foreign man and get to know you.

You can use whatever apps or sites you are comfortable with to meet sexy girls online here. Since this post is in English we bet there are some tourists reading it.

If you are sitting around in your hometown dreaming about taking a trip try using Adult Friend Finder to find girls for sex near you right now. It is a great site for fast hook ups, and Adult Friend Finder is doing great in American and European cities these days.

Now you know where to hook up with hot girls in Puerto Plata for sex or dating, good luck!