Pick Up Girls in Nagasaki, Okayama, Kamakura, Yuigahama & Saitama

Nagasaki Okayama girls sex Kamakura Yuigahama Saitama

We did this post on picking up hot girls in Nagasaki, Okayama, Kamakura, Yuigahama & Saitama for sex or dating a little differently. We have never combined this many cities into one post before, but think it was the right idea.

To be honest we don’t have a ton of info on any of them, but do know the most important aspects of each. So instead of flying back to Japan or going off some other blogs words we are going to just give some quick hitters on each city.

We will list the main nightlife districts to pick up sexy girls in Nagasaki, Okayama, Kamakura, Yuigahama & Saitama for hook ups or a relationship, and then any other nuggets we have to share. Putting yourself out there in the nightlife is about as good as you can do anyways.

On top of that we also will discuss online dating. We suggest you use it before you go to any of these cities because the nightlife in this country isn’t always easy to figure out.

The more you prepare for your trip the more fun you will have. If casual sex is the goal nothing will make you better prepared than messaging as many girls as possible and seeing which ones want to meet you.

Sexy Girls In Nagasaki

Nightclubs and bars to meet slutty Japanese girls for sex

Some of the best pick up bars and nightclubs to meet sexy girls in Nagasaki are:

Just go party by the port in Shiambashi, when girls in Nagasaki want to meet guys for casual sex that is where you will find them.

Try To Get Laid In Okayama

Nishigawa Canal Park is one of the best areas for nightlife in the city, and you can find more nightlife and adult entertainment close to the Okayama Station. Some of the best pick up bars and clubs in the city are:

Kamakura Sex Guide

You can try to meet sexy Kamakura girls at singles bars and clubs like:

Look, most guys don’t understand the amount of effort it takes to pick up girls in the nightlife. When was the last time you only approached one girl and hooked up with her a few hours later?

It can happen, but it usually doesn’t play out like that. You need to be approaching a ton of women just to find the one who is ready for casual sex right now.

Girls are more emotional and impulsive than most men are. They can go out planning to only chat with their friends, then their mood could change for whatever reason and all of a sudden they are ready to have sex with the next handsome who says hello or asks them to dance.

Use this to your advantage, think about it like baseball, not like a guy kicking extra points. You aren’t going to make it work on 95% of your kicks, expect to strike out a whole lot.

But the more times you step up to the plate the more home runs you can hit.

Yuigahama Sex Guide

Where to meet slutty girls in Japan for easy sex

Yuigahama Beach is pretty close to Kamakura and while there isn’t a big adult entertainment district here you will find some sexy girls partying when the weather is nice. Don’t expect some wild spring break like party destination, but you can chill out at the beach and in some of the relaxing bars at night.

Some of the best pick up bars at Yuigahama Beach are:

  • Blue Room
  • Smirnoff Summer Beach
  • Jamin
  • Loop
  • Hokutotsuchisei
  • Piccolo Bar 117

Saitama Sex Guide

Even the nightlife for girls is extremely lacking here but you could check out some singles bars in Saitama to meet girls for sex like:

  • Lin House
  • Honey Bee
  • Californication

Overall this is not a great city to visit if you are looking for adult entertainment. However if you are looking for a good traditional Japanese woman it could be a nice place to find one.

Foreign Men Meeting Good Japanese Women Online

Nagasaki probably has the best nightlife of anywhere on this list with finding girls for sex in Saitama’s nightlife having the least options. But no matter where you are going in this country you can give yourself a leg up before you arrive.

Give a dating site a chance, try to pipeline a week or ten days before you arrive. You can meet Japanese girls online who are interested in foreign men in all of these cities and have some dates set up.

Of course the bigger the city the bigger the female user base will be. Try and choose a place to stay near the nightlife districts mentioned here. Invite them out for some drinks and then later in the night see if they will hook up at your place. If they say yes then you probably just found your sex in these smaller Japanese cities.

No matter if you are looking for a quick hook up or to meet a good Japanese woman who is looking for a foreign husband this will be your best move.

Hey guys, we recently learned about a new site for fast hookups that is growing in popularity here in Japan. It is called AsianMatchMate, and previously we only mentioned it in a few countries like Taiwan and Singapore.

The reason is because it was a new site and those were the only countries that had single women using it to get laid. However that has changed, now AsianMatchMate has caught on here too and it is the best way to find slutty girls near you to hook up with quick!

Since this post is in English we bet many of you are tourists, well that site is actually a sister site of Adult Friend Finder so you can trust it is legit. By the way, if you are reading this from your hometown you may want to give Adult Friend Finder a chance right now so you don’t need to wait until your trip to get laid again.

Good luck picking up hot girls in Nagasaki, Okayama, Kamakura, Yuigahama and Saitama for sex or dating.