How To Meet Girls For Sex In Hostels
This post on how to meet girls for sex in hostels will give you some tips to help you achieve all your hopes and dreams. Many guys travel on different budgets and if you are trying to save some money a hostel is a great way to extend your trip.
But that isn’t the only reason to stay in one, some guys like to use them to meet new people and find a crew to go out with. Or to meet some easy girls who are traveling around and enjoying their life.
Maybe they are on a gap year, maybe they are trying to be a digital nomad, whatever the reason there are plenty of them around. This post will help you meet those hostel girls and hopefully have sex with them.
We will start off with some good advice on how to try and pick them up. The type of game you will need on them might be totally different than when trying to pick up some girl at the local club near you.
Then we will give some tips on where to have sex in a hostel. This isn’t the best venue for the event but when there is a will there is a way. We have written some lengthy travel guides for men on Central America and Southeast Asia, two of the best places to backpack around and live cheaply in hostels.
How To Meet Girls In Hostels
The easiest way to meet a girl in a hostel is to hang out in the common area and be a social guy. Don’t try to target girls in a big group (unless they are really hot) because that will be much harder to pull off.
You should be looking for the solo traveler who is out on her own. That way she has no friends to cockblock you and she won’t need to worry about them gossiping. Of course if a 9 comes in with her friends there is no reason not to make an attempt, but a solo girl will be much easier.
If there is a cute girl hanging out in the common area or who is new to the dorm room be the first to introduce yourself. Most guys won’t approach girls unless they are drunk at a bar so stand out a bit.
Have the standard travel talks that are common here, ask her where she is been and where she is going next. Seem really interested in where she just came from, ask her to tell you all about it and keep asking questions, girls love to talk.
Ask to see her pictures or Instagram and compliment her on them, girls also love to be flattered. Then if she says she wants to go to a city that you have been tell her you have some great tips for her and ask if she wants to join you for dinner to talk about it.
That was for an easy 1 on 1 setting, sometimes hostels can be really crowded and everything is done in a group vibe. If so try to bring value to the conversation by knowing good travel tips for the cities you are in or other nearby cities, but try not to come off as a know it all doosh either.
Try to stand out, but not in a braggy way. These likely aren’t going to be the type of girls that are impressed by a flashy car and lots of jewelry being shown off on your Instagram, and if you are staying in $5 a night dorm room that would be a hard lie to pull off anyways.
Just relax, be yourself, find some common ground with her and have a chill conversation.
Where To Have Sex In A Hostel
After you go out to eat try and get some drinks and/or dancing involved to liven things up. Hopefully all goes well and you can tell that the hostel girls wants sex as badly as you do.
The easiest thing you can do is get a short time hotel or love hotel. Lots of cities will have these and often times they can be really cheap.
If you are on a bare bones budget and can’t afford it then its time to get creative in the hostel. The bathroom is the easiest spot, you can run the shower so no one will hear and lock the door also.
If that isn’t a viable option in your particular hostel then you will need to get creative. Look for spots like the luggage room, laundry room, or check and see if you can get up on the roof.
If all else fails and you need to bang inside the dorm area do it on the bottom bunk and pull a sheet down over the side as a cover. Everyone will know, but at least you have a little privacy. Maybe if you invest in crypto currencies you will make enough money that you won’t need to stay in a hostel on your next trip.
Good Luck With Hostel Sex
When people travel they want to have fun and even girls will be more likely to have sex in a hostel then you might imagine. Be the guy that makes her feel welcome, she is probably a bit lonely if she is all by herself and would love some company.
If you want to turn your trip into your new life here are some very cheap cities in Asia you may want to consider living in. Good luck when trying to meet girls for sex in hostels.