Category: NC 17

Breakdown Of The Strip Clubs In Tokyo

This is a popular tourist destination for good reason. Many guys come here and wonder what are Tokyo strip clubs like? Well this post will help you out a bit. You need to remember...

Which Countries Have The Sexiest Ladyboys?

Whether they are searching for ladyboys, shemales, transsexuals, tgirls, or any other slang one thing is for sure: many people wonder where can you find the sexiest ladyboys in the world. Post-op or pre-op...

Explaining Sex Acronyms

On this site there are not too many of these sex acronyms because a lot of people don’t know what they mean and we don’t want to confuse people. However, on other sites and...

Find Ladyboys In Pattaya For Sex Or Dating

There are so many guys out there with an interest in transgenders these days. Well finding ladyboys in Pattaya for sex or dating will not be a problem for you and in fact it...

Our Guide To Meeting Sexy Ladyboys In Bangkok

There might be more sexy ladyboys in Bangkok then anywhere in the world and you will have no trouble at all spotting them or having them approach you. TS can be very aggressive and...

Are All Asian Ladyboys Prostitutes Or Scammers?

A lot of guys that go to Southeast Asia make some huge generalizations when it comes to transsexuals. They ignorantly assume that all Asian ladyboys are either prostitutes, scammers, or both. The vast majority...

Tips For Spotting A TS (Ladyboy)

If you spend any time traveling in certain parts of the world you will probably be around a lot of ts so you may want tips on spotting a ladyboy. They frequent them as...